Saturday, March 27, 2021

Poetry for Peace - Poesia por la paz

Poets around the world have defined PEACE in different ways using various literary images. It can mean world peace, peace between friends, family, or inner peace. Whichever meaning of peace you're looking for, LuzDelMes project is sharing a moment to reflect on the meaning of PEACE throughout POETRY. Join us the last Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. ET via Zoom & Instagram.

The Objective: Reach inner peace throughout poetry. #PoetryforPeace #LuzDelMes

During the month of January, we read poems by Rabindranath Tagore (May 7, 1861 - August 7, 1941) The bard of Bengal who brought out the essence of Eastern spirituality in his poetry like no other poet. His spiritual vision, as he said, is infused "with the ancient spirit of India as revealed in our sacred texts and manifested in the life of today." Tagore wrote this poem as part of his cycle, "The Gardener" (1915). He uses "peace" in the sense of finding peace in the face of impending death.

 Peace, my heart, let the time for the parting be sweet.
 Let it not be a death but completeness.
 Let love melt into memory and pain into songs.
 Let the flight through the sky end in the folding of the wings
   over the nest.
 Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the
 Stand still, O Beautiful End, for a moment, and say your last
   words in silence. I bow to you and hold up my lamp to light you on your way.

Watch Video Zoom:
March Meeting - Poetry for Peace

During February, Black History Month, I chose Maya Angelou (born Marguerite Annie Johnson; April 4, 1928–May 28, 2014). She was a celebrated poet, memoirist, singer, dancer, actor, and civil rights activist.

During March, I quoted a poem by Emily Dickinson "I Many Times Thought Peace Had Come," I also tought that peace will come after the pandemic year, but ...I was wrong. I selected Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830–May 15, 1886) an American poet best known for her eccentric personality and her frequent themes of death and mortality. 

Emily Dickinson: "I Many Times Thought Peace Had Come" -Image-

In Dickinson two-stanza poem, she uses the image of the sea to represent the waves of peace and struggle. Peace sometimes means peace within, when we are facing inner struggles, but peace in the world can also be illusory.

I many times thought Peace
had come
When Peace was far away -
As Wrecked Men - deem
they sight the Land -
At Centre of the Sea -

And struggle slacker -
but to prove
As hopelessly as I -
How many the fictitious
Shores -
Or any Harbor be -

 ¡Poesía por la Paz!

Los poetas alrededor del mundo han definido la PAZ de diferentes formas usando  diversas imágenes literarias. Puede significar la paz mundial, paz entre amigos, en la familia, o paz interior. Sea cual sea el significado de paz que esté buscando, el proyecto LuzDelMes está compartiendo un momento para reflexionar sobre el significado de la PAZ usando como medio la POESÍA. Acompáñanos el último sábado del mes a las 10:00 a.m. ET vía Zoom & Twitch. TV/ LuzDelMes. 

En enero exploramos la poesía de Rabindranath Tagore el poeta bengalí, premio nobel de literatura 1913. En febrero, Mes de la Historia Negra,  seleccioné a Maya Angelou, celebre poeta y activista Afro-Americana.  Y en Marzo dedicamos a la poeta Estadounidense Emily Dickinson con el poema: Muchas veces pensé que la paz había llegado, 1863.

Maritza M. Mejia writes to inspire others to be their best selves.

Thank you for your support!🌷 #LuzDelMes 🌠


Maritza Martínez Mejía

Mother, Author, Educator, Translator and Publisher

Member: FWA, MCBD Board of AdvisorsANLMI Delegate
International Read to Me! Day Ambassador.
Received Crystal Apple Award, VCB Poetry Award, Latino Book Awards 2016 & Author’s Talk

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