Friday, December 4, 2020

LuzDelMes Recipes: "Huevos Pericos y Calentado"

When I want to connect with my Colombian’ roots, I prepare “Huevos Pericos” with arepas and hot chocolate. My Mom used to make this delicious breakfast for my birthday or special Sundays, like Christmas or Easter. It is a quick and easy egg recipe and one of the most popular breakfast dishes in Colombia which we serve with arepas, hot chocolate or coffee. Here is my Mom’s recipe:

Huevos Pericos (Scrambled Eggs with Tomato and Scallions)
Arepa with Huevos Pericos
Ingredients: (4 Servings)
·       4 eggs
·       2 medium tomatoes, finely chopped
·       2 tablespoons olive oil
·       4 tablespoons chopped scallions
·       Salt to taste
1.     In a medium non-stick skillet heat the oil over medium heat. Add the tomatoes and scallions and cook about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2.     Meanwhile, in a small bowl beat the eggs and salt. Pour the eggs in the skillet with the tomato mixture and cook over medium heat, without stirring, until mixture begins to set.
3.     Stir twice or until the eggs mix with the tomato and scallions for about 2 minutes or until the eggs are the consistency you like.
4.     Transfer to a serving plate and serve with arepa and hot chocolate or coffee.
Arepa (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈɾepa]) is a type of food made of ground maize dough, originating from the northern region of South America in pre-Columbian times, and is notable in the cuisines of Colombia and VENEZUELA. The sizes, maize types, and added ingredients vary its preparation.

Time has passed, my Mom is in heaven, and my daughter didn’t like “Huevos.” She changed the Colombian tradition and asked me one day for “Calentado” on her birthday. Do you know what it is?

Calentado without Egg...

Calentado literally means “heated” and is a traditional Colombian breakfast born in the Andean region of the country. It is very common in the area I was born, to eat rice and beans on weekends for dinner, then, for breakfast on Sunday, the rice and beans are reheated and served with egg, arepa,  grilled beef. Optional with chorizo, chicharrón and serve with hot chocolate or coffee. 

I have find this dish on the menu of almost any Colombian restaurant around the world. 
                      Desayuno Traditional  
Cuando quiero conectar me con mis raíces colombianas, preparo "Huevos Pericos" con arepas y chocolate caliente. Mi mamá solía hacer éste delicioso desayuno para mi cumpleaños, domingos especiales, Navidad o Pascua. Es una receta con huevos revueltos, cebolla verde y tomate picados,  rápida de preparar y fácil de hacer. Es uno de los desayunos más populares en Colombia que se sirve con arepas, chocolate caliente o café.
El tiempo ha pasado, mi mamá está en el cielo, y a mi hija no le gustaban los "Huevos". Ella cambió la tradición y me pidió un día "Calentado" en su cumpleaños. ¿Sabes lo que es? …
Calentado significa literalmente "calentado" y es un desayuno tradicional de la región andina del país. Es muy común, en la zona que nací, comer arroz y frijoles los fines de semana para la cena. Luego, para el desayuno del domingo, el arroz y los frijoles se recalientan y se sirven con huevo, arepa, chorizo, chicharrón o carne de res a la parrilla y chocolate caliente.

He encontrado este plato en el menú de casi cualquier restaurante colombiano de todo el mundo.

¡Celebra las tradiciones! 

 Maritza Martinez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
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