Sunday, January 9, 2022

Compost - Abono orgánico

Thanks to Anita Shukla, I began to compost using kitchen scraps from fruits, vegetables and egg shells. After a week of collecting organic waste and covering with soil. Wait two to four weeks under the sunlight to obtain the final product: Organic Compost.

Be selective with your scraps

There are a few food scraps that should still go out with the trash (or into your curbside “green“ bin, if you’re lucky enough to live in a city that accepts food scraps for centralized composting). However, meat, bones, and dairy products don’t belong in the typical household compost pile.  “Meat scraps and bones will attract cats or skunks from a long distance, as will oils like olive oil,” says Bill Hlubik, a professor of agriculture and plant science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

For how to compost ? Please watch this video👉
#NovedadesdemiJardin 🌴#LuzDelMes

Thank you for taking care of our "Common Home"!
our sanctuary
our beautiful common house
let's take care of it!
(Haiku, 2018)

NOVEDADES DE MI JARDÍN : La pausa que me dio la cuarentena, me mostró que mi jardín estaba vacío. Empecé a sembrar tomate, perejil y albabaca, crecieron bellos, gracias al abono orgánico "compost" que me enseñó a hacer mi querida amiga virtual अनीता शुक्ल.🌹

Después de tres semanas, los desechos de vegetales, frutas y cáscaras de huevo se han descompuesto y creado un nutriente abono para mis plantas recién germinados. #NovedadesdemiJardin 🌴#LuzDelMes ✨
Listo para usar de abono orgánico. 

Que lindos resultados.
Thank you for your support!🌷 #LuzDelMes 🌠


Maritza Martínez Mejía

Mother, Author, Educator, Translator and Publisher
Member: FWA, MCBD Board of AdvisorsANLMI
International Read to Me! Day Ambassador.
Received Crystal Apple Award, VCB Poetry Award, Latino Book Awards 2016 & Author’s Talk

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