Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Virtual Earth Day - Día de la Tierra Virtual: April 22

Wednesday, April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Since 1970 environmental awareness has been raised to have consciousness about the state of our planet and the consequences of our actions to the environment. Several countries will had have  meetings to discuss this topic and some activities are given their lives to create awareness about the damage we are causing to our "Common House.".  Maybe a tiny virus and destructive pandemic, teach us to protect our Planet. 

Due to the present situation and social distance protocol, this year we celebrate Earth Day Virtually with poetry LuzDelMes. #VirtualEarthDay2020 🗺️

And the Earth begins to breath, 
the waters flow in harmony, 
the animals left their cages, 
the sky  cleared, 
the sun shone with joy, 
the moon illuminated with hope 
when humans hide in their houses,
six feet apart from each other,
and the machines stop its engines. 
According to BBC Future, as industries, transport networks and businesses have closed down, it has brought a sudden drop in carbon emissions. Compared with this time last year. Read article 👉


El miércoles, 22 de abril es el 50 aniversario del Día de la Tierra. Desde 1970 se ha tratado de crear consciencia ecológica sobre el estado de la Tierra y el impacto de nuestras acciones en el medio ambiente. Varios países han tenido jornadas colectivas y activistas han dado hasta su vida para  alertarnos del daño que le causamos a nuestra "Casa Común," Tierra. Tal vez un diminuto virus y destructiva pandemia, nos enseñe a cuidar nuestro Planeta. 

Dadas la presente circunstancia y protocoles de distanciamiento social, celebraremos de forma virtual  el día de la tierra con poesía LuzDelMes. #DiadelaTierraVirtual2020 🗺️#LuzDelMes ✨

Y la Tierra empezó a respirar, 
los mares a fluir en armonía,
los animales salieron de su cautiverio, 
el cielo se despejó, 
el sol destello con alegría, 
la luna brilló con esperanza,  
cuando el humano se encerró en su casa,
Seis pies de distancia
y las máquinas pararon sus motores... 
@Mejia 2020
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards, Author’s Talk

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