La tierra nos está hablando a través de los huracanes, terremotos, inundaciones e incendios, pero pareciera que no la queremos escuchar. Somos tan frágiles ante la fuerza de una naturaleza que hemos descuidado tanto. Necesitamos tomar en serio estos alertas y revisar nuestra forma de vida tanto interior como exterior. Recordemos la importancia de reciclar, reusar, reducir el alto consumo de plásticos, controlar la tala de árboles, y analizar el lugar donde construimos nuestras casas. Es momento de evaluar nuestra relación con el prójimo, de solidaridad, oración colectiva, y unión familiar. Apaguemos el fuego en nuestro propio corazón. Mis oraciones con los afectados por los desastres naturales y mis condolencias a las familias que han perdido seres queridos.
Earth is speaking to us through hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and fires, but it seems that we don't want it to listen. We are so fragile to the strength of a nature that we have neglected. We need to take seriously these alerts and revise our way of life both inside and outside. Remember the importance of Recycle, reuse, reduce the high consumption of plastics, control the cutting of trees, and analyze the place where we build our houses. It is time to evaluate our relationship with others, of solidarity, collective prayer, and family unity. Turn off the fire in our own heart. My prayers with the people affected by natural disasters and my condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. /
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Earth is speaking to us through hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and fires, but it seems that we don't want it to listen. We are so fragile to the strength of a nature that we have neglected. We need to take seriously these alerts and revise our way of life both inside and outside. Remember the importance of Recycle, reuse, reduce the high consumption of plastics, control the cutting of trees, and analyze the place where we build our houses. It is time to evaluate our relationship with others, of solidarity, collective prayer, and family unity. Turn off the fire in our own heart. My prayers with the people affected by natural disasters and my condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. /

Maritza M. Mejia Social Media:
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