According to the Academy of American Poets, National Poetry Month has become the largest literary celebration in the world, with tens of millions of readers, students, K-12 teachers, librarians, booksellers, literary events curators, publishers, bloggers, and, of course, poets marking poetry’s important place in our culture and our lives. For more details visit:
Book available:
Poems, Thoughts and More is a small beam of light gushing through dark clouds.
~Jorge L. Mejía~
Poemas, Pensamientos y Algo más es un pequeño haz de luz fluyendo entre nubes oscuras.
~Jorge L. Mejía~
Luz del Mes

Write, read, listen to others and support others to succeed!
On Earth Day, share your own Haiku as a comment.
Escribe un Haiku para el "Día de la Tierra" y compártelo en el comentario.
Thank you for your support!🌷 Gracias #LuzDelMes 🌠
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator, Translator and Publisher
Member: FWA, MCBD Board of Advisors, ANLM,
International Read to Me! Day Ambassador.
Received Crystal Apple Award, VCB Poetry Award, Latino Book Awards 2016 & Author’s Talk
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