Mother, Educator, Theologian, Bilingual Author, Speaker and Translator at LuzDelMes Publishing.
Madre, educadora, teóloga, autora bilingüe , conferencista, y traductor de LuzDelMes.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Luz Del Mes Tri-Anthology Virtual Conference Oct. 31- Nov. 1, 2020
Join us in an interactive virtual conference with readers, speakers, and video presentations to meet an amazing group of authors, artists and speakers from around the world who participated on the Luz Del Mes Tri-Anthology 2020
Luz Del Mes Tri-Anthology Founder, Publisher, Translator and Cultural Promoter Maritza M. Mejia of Florida, USA has organized this online conference in English, Spanish and Greek to meet the LuzDelMes Tri-Anthology Participants 2019-2020 participants.
This online conference contains three sections in English, Spanish and Greek to meet the LuzDelMes Tri-Anthology Participants 2019-2020 and learn from experts on topics relevant to the Tri-Anthology' s projects.
HOUR: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Eastern Time (New York Time Zone)
After the English speaking participation from 10:00 a.m
Session one: Haiku, Haibun, Haipho - Notes from learning English Haiku atJapan's Hailstone Haiku Circle.
Sydney Solis presents Haiku, Haibun, Haipho and will share what she learned about these poetic forms from attending the Eigo no Haiku, English Haiku classes with Stephen Gill, founder of the Hailstone Haiku Circle in Kyoto and Osaka.
Native of Boulder, Colorado, USA, Sydney Solis is a poet, storyteller and author. She lived three years in Japan, studying haiku with Stephen Gill of the Hailstone Haiku Circle. Her haiku won second place in the 2020 Lafcadio Hearn Haiku Competition in Kyoto, and an honorable mention in the 2020 Genjuan International Haiku Competition in Kyoto. A former journalist and award-winning photographer, her poetry has been published in The Caribbean Writer, Shambhala Sun, and Moko, The Magazine of Caribbean Arts and Letters. She is also the founder of The Mythic Yoga Studio and its award-winning program and books, Storytime Yoga, teaching peace, health and literacy through yoga and story.
HOUR: 8:00 am - 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (New York Time Zone)
After the Greek speaking participation from 8:00 a.m.
East-West Symbolic Language of Dreams, Myths, Legends, Iconography, and Poetry.
ABSTRACT: The ancient intuitive language of images is still within us. People have always lived myths and taken lessons from legends. The lore and iconography of the Pilgrimage of SHIKOKU, JAPAN provide vivid examples. Poetry relies on metaphors, while true haiku communicate through nature symbolism.
Participants may add further international and comparative examples, such as Greek myths or Indian divinities adopted throughout Asia.
BIO: Steve McCarty was born in Boston and became a full Professor in Japan. He currently lectures for Osaka Jogakuin University and the Japanese government international agency JICA. Since 1998 he is President of the World Association for Online Education. He is a highly cited author on e-learning, bilingualism, language teaching, Japan, Asia, and academic life.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MODERATOR & SPEAKER: Maritza M. Mejía
Mother, Educator, Bilingual Author and Translator. Founder of Luz Del Mes and director of LuzDelMes Tri-Anthology 2019-2020. Eight Books published. Collaborator
of Southern Writers Magazine and Visítame Magazine. Graduated
from Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca in Commerce and Foreign Language, AS in
Travel Industry Management from Broward Collage, Bachelor’s Degree in
Humanities and Women’s Studies from Florida Atlantic University. Seeking Master
in Theology and Education Ministry at Catholic Distance University.
Maritza writes to inspire others to be their best selves.
Awards: Crystal Apple 2006, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, Author’s Talk Book Show 2017- American Eagle2020 -Social Media: @luzdelmes - Website:
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