Tuesday, February 6, 2018

What is International Book Giving Day?

International Book Giving Day takes place on February 14th each year with the GOAL to get books into the hands of as many children as possible.

What is the Purpose? International Book Giving Day’s focus is on encouraging people worldwide to give a book to a child on February 14th. Invitation to:
*Gift a book to a friend or family member.
*Leave a book in a waiting room hospital or Dr. Office for children to read.
*Donate a gently used book to a local library or shelter.
^Support an organization that distributes used books to children in need internationally.
Elys Dolan, official illustrator for #BookGivingDay2018 has created a wonderful bookmark and bookplate.
These are FREE to download, print and tuck into the books you gift on #BookGivingDay.
For More information visit: https://bookgivingday.com/blog/about-2/

My contribution  to a local library
2017 Official poster for #bookgivingday was designed 

Día Internacional de la DONACION DE libros se lleva a cabo el 14 de febrero de cada año con el objetivo de poner libros en las manos de tantos niños como sea posible.
¿Cuál es el propósito? El día internacional de la donación de libros consiste en promover en todo el mundo el dar un libro a un niño el día 14 de febrero. Invitamos a las personas a colaborar con la causa:
*Dando un libro a un amigo o familiar.
*Dejando un libro en la sala de espera de un hospital.
*Donar un libro a una biblioteca o alberge.
*Apoyar a una organización que dona libros a los niños necesitados.
Para mayor información visita: https://bookgivingday.com/blog/about-2/
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Educator, Bilingual Author and Translator
Recipient of the Crystal Apple Award 2006, VCB Poetry Winner 2015, Author’s Talk Book Award 2016, The Latino Book Awards 2016 and Author’s Talk Book Show 2017.

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