Thursday, January 12, 2023

LuzdelMes Celebrates Literacy Week, Florida!

The 15th annual statewide Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! is scheduled for the week of January 23-27, 2023. This event is designed to raise awareness about the importance of reading and to inspire Florida's students and families to make reading part of their daily routines.

This year theme is “Take a Deep Dive Into Literacy – Splash Into New Worlds!” to encourage all school providers to participate in reading books to deepen children’s knowledge and instill a love of reading 


Mermaids on a Mission to Save the Oceans by Janet Balletta (Goodreads Author), Alyssa Figueroa (Illustrator)Alexander C. Appello (Illustrator)

Great tool for teachers and good read for children  #MermaidsonaMissiontoSavetheOcean

Mermaids on a Mission, as the title implies, is a book about seven mermaids who protect the ocean from mankind’s pollution. Each of the mermaids have a special power that allows them to save the valuable oceans and special creatures and plant life. The conversation between the mermaids describes the culture and characteristics of each of them. I love Fina from South America and her mission to protect injured animals in Aqua Pura.
Teachers have an excellent tool to teach children how important the oceans are by following the example and action the mermaids did to keep the waters clean from pollutants.

The illustrators, Alyssa Figueroa and Alexander C. Appello, created brilliant illustrations that make the story enjoyable to read to young children.
The author Balletta includes a helpful Teacher's Guide which introduces vocabulary, discussion questions on a deep and well research topic. Congratulations Mrs. Balletta!
Mermaids on a Mission to Save the Oceans is most highly recommended.

The Golden Seahorse: El caballito de mar dorado by Camelia KuhnSara Cruz  (Illustrator)

The Golden Seahorse is a mythical character that helps a little girl faces her fears to swim. A girl named Camila was afraid of the ocean because she didn’t know how to swim, but her mother told her not to be afraid because in the ocean there was a golden seahorse that would rescue her.

It is a bilingual book (English-Spanish) with coloring pages with vivid images to illustrate this sweet children's book tale. I recommend this book for preschoolers to first grade students.

The Author, Camelia Kuhn is a kindergarten teacher based in Florida.   He was born in Hartford, Connecticut and grew up in Puerto Rico. From an early age, she found a love for reading through her loving mother who told her children's stories that inspired her to write this tale.  

Good read for children to face fears #TheGoldenSeahorse

El caballito de mar dorado es un personaje mítico que ayuda a una niña a enfrentar sus miedos para nadar. Una niña llamada Camila tenía miedo al océano porque no sabía nadar, pero su mamá le dijo que no tuviera miedo porque en el océano había un caballito de mar dorado que la rescataría.

Es un libro bilingüe (inglés-español) con páginas para colorear con imágenes vívidas para ilustrar este dulce cuento infantil. Definitivamente recomiendo este libro para niños en edad preescolar a estudiantes de primer grado.

La autora, Camelia Kuhn, es maestra de kínder y está radicada en la Florida.   Nació en Hartford, Connecticut y creció en Puerto Rico. Desde temprana edad, encontró el amor por la lectura a través de su amorosa madre quien le contaba historias infantiles que la inspiraron a escribir este cuento.

The Purple Shell: La concha de mar púrpura by

Maritza Martínez MejiaValerie Mojica (Illustrator)

The Purple Shell invites us to become ecologically aware to protect the beaches. This bilingual tale (English & Spanish) is based on a true story. Contains coloring pages, facts, and questions to take care of our planet, our common home.

On her first trip to the sea, a lovely girl realized how much garbage people leave in the sand and decided to clean up the beach with her mother. After collecting sodas and wraps, they found a purple shell, which they received with joy as a reward for such a laudable task.

The author and the project "LuzDelMes Ecotales" invite you to be aware of how to take care of the planet. This book contains facts and questions to take care for our planet, our common home.

Ecological Awareness for children #ThePurpleShell #LuzDelMes 

La concha de mar púrpura nos invita a tomar consciencia ecológica para proteger las playas. Este cuento bilingüe (inglés & español) se basa en una historia real. Contiene páginas para colorear, datos y preguntas para cuidar nuestro planeta, nuestra casa común.

En su primer viaje al mar, una niña encantadora se dio cuenta de la cantidad de basura que la gente deja en la arena y decidió limpiar con su madre la playa. Después de recoger sodas y envolturas, encontraron una concha purpura, la que recibieron con alegría como premio de tan loable tarea.

El autor y el proyecto "Cuentos Ecológicos LuzDelMes" invitan a tener conciencia de cómo cuidar el planeta. Este libro contiene hechos y preguntas para cuidar nuestro planeta, nuestra casa común.

Thank you for your support!🌷 #LuzDelMes 🌠


Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Member: FWA, MCBD Board of Advisors,  Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016 

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