Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lent Activities ~ Actividades de Cuaresma

What is lent?  It is a forty day's journey of fasting, praying and Alms giving in preparation for EasterThis year, Lent stars on March 6 (Ash Wednesday) to April 18 (Holy Thursday) 2019. Inspire your WALK with books, fun activities and cooking with your kids. Grow spiritually like from caterpillar to butterfly.

Praying: While you walk, drive or in a private area. With a devotional prayer, bible, music or in silence to connect with God and yourselves.

Alms Giving: By collecting food for the needy, friend or family. Listening or serving others as a way to serve God. 

Fasting: You can fast by cutting out some food or things in your life that distract you from God. For Ex: Let go social media for a day.
Inspire your children to tend their hearts with good deeds to open the gate for a better change. Like Walking from CATERPILLAR to BUTTERFLY

¿Qué es la Cuaresma?  Es un caminar de cuarenta días dedicado al ayuno, oración y limosna en preparación a la Pascua.  Este  año, la Caresma inicia el 6 de marzo con el Miércoles de ceniza y termina el 18 de Abril con el Jueves Santo. Inspiremos a nuestros hijos a nutrir sus corazones con buenas obras para abrir la puerta de sus vidas a un mejor mañana con buenos libros, actividades y cocina. Crece espiritualmente como caminado  de oruga a mariposa.

    1. Draw forty leaves and add color each day of Lent.
           2. During your forty days-walk DO something for others. 
      3. At the last day of Lent draw a colorful butterfly.   
     Let go things to be closer to God
Actividad para la Cuaresma: Caminando de Oruga a Mariposa

Have a Blessed Lent!
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards, Author’s Talk

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