Friday, January 8, 2021

LuzDelMes Recipe: Ginger Carrot Cream


I was not a fun of carrots until I try this wonderful recipe that goes well with winter salads, sandwiches, wraps and even holiday entrées. However, according to chefs, there are several few key factors to consider.

How to make a delicious Carrot Ginger?

1) Roast the carrots

Roasting the carrots condenses their flavor, which brings out the carrots’ best sweet-and-savory notes.

2) Cook some aromatics and spices

Sauté some chopped onion in oil until tender add some fresh garlic and grated ginger. Cooking the spices in oil for about 30 seconds wakes them right up, while it mellows the garlic. Add a potato for creamy results.

3) Simmer to bring it all together

Add vegetable broth, water, and the roasted carrots when they are out of the oven. We’ll gently simmer them all together for 15 minutes to bring all the flavors together.

4) Blend in a stand blender

Stand blenders always yield ultra-creamy results. Let the soup cool for a few minutes before transferring to a blender, never fill past the maximum fill line (it could explode), and be careful near the steam escaping from the lid because it’s hot.

5) Finish with butter and lemon

You won’t believe how much difference a tablespoon of butter makes at the end.

Delicious Carrot Soup Variations

Add some Thai red curry paste for a lively carrot soup with irresistible Thai flavors. At the end, blend in some lime juice instead of lemon. This variation is especially beautiful when garnished with shrimps and fresh cilantro leaves or bay leaves.

For more variations visit:

Maritza Martínez Mejía

Mother, Author, Educator and Translator

Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegada ANLMI
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Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards, Author’s Talk

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