Friday, January 4, 2019

Three Kings Day - Celebrate Traditions

Three Kings Day is celebrated after the Twelve Days of Christmas on January 6th. 
Some traditional facts about Three Kings Day
*  The kings' names were Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar. ~Read Matthew 2~
They gave Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The kings brought their gifts in vessels called ciboria.
In Puerto Rico, Argentina, and other places, children leave hay for the camels.
*   In Spain, children leave letters to the kings.
*   In Mexico and some Hispanic communities often serve Rosca de Reyes. 
*   In diverse places the kids leave their boots for the Kings to leave presents.
Three King Cake or Rosca de Reyes
Three King Cake is a circular fruitcake inside which a small hidden statue of a baby Jesus. The person, who finds the child Jesus, must make a feast day of La Candelaria, which is on February 2nd.  That day is invited the same group that was at Three Kings party and the guess brings tamales or Mexican pastries. 
Activities for Three Kings Day
1. Coloring Three Kings Cards: Visit the link to print the design
2. Cut and Paste Peace Card: Use old Christmas Cards
3. FREE Reading Activities from Lesson for Living
Happy Three Kings Day!

El día de los Reyes Magos se celebra después de los doce días de Navidad. También conocido como Día de los Reyes Magos o Epifanía. Observado el 6 de enero, pero diferentes iglesias lo reconocen en fechas diversas. Evoca la adoración bíblica de los magos al niño Jesús después de su nacimiento.
LEER MATEO 2: Día de los Reyes Magos.
Curiosidades: En algunos países como, Puerto Rico, Argentina, los niños acostumbran dejar pajas de heno y agua para los camellos de los Reyes Magos, y sus boticas o zapatos para que los Reyes los llenen de regalos.
Actividad infantil
Create your own Three Kings Crown.

Hacer Corona de Reyes: Trazar, Cortar, Abrir
Visita enlace para detalles
Y para los que dejan sus botitas esperando un regalo de los Reyes Magos... 
¿Qué tal un libro? Visita:
Libros Recomendados LuzDelMes

Books available on Amazon. Visit:
¡Feliz Día de los Reyes Magos!
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member ANLMI, FWA,SFWA, SCBWI, MCBD Board of Advisors 
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards, Author’s Talk

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