Sunday, April 30, 2017

Teacher Appreciation Week

Since 1984, National PTA (Parents, Teachers Association) has designated the first week in May as a special time to honor Teachers who provide their passion for education. Teachers touch the lives of millions of children and their work impact far beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

How You Can Show Appreciation
1. Send a thank you card
2. Volunteer in a classroom.
3. Tell PTA on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram about a teacher who had an impact on your life.

To All Teachers:  
T- Talented
E- Educate
A- Affable
C -Charismati
H- Hilariou
E- Enthusiastic
R- Responsible

For teacher freebies visit:

For FREE Learning activities:

Happy Appreciation Week!!!

Maritza M. Mejia Social Media:

1 comment:

  1. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week. Show your support!


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