Sunday, March 2, 2025

Welcome March - Bienvenido Marzo


Reflections by Maritza Martínez Mejía

March is here and spring season near with beautiful flowers, but intense showers ready to celebrate a Season of Lent. 
For Catholics, Lent is the opportunity to renew our faith by giving, praying and fasting. It is never too late to celebrate a special and blessed Holy Week.

I wish you all a productive Lent 
and a Happy Spring!   
Marzo está aquí y la primavera se acerca con sus bellas flores, pero intensas lluvias, lista para celebrar el periodo de Cuaresma. 
Para los Católicos la Cuaresma es una oportunidad para renovar nuestra fe a través del dar, orar y ayunar. Nunca es tarde para celebrar una especial y bendecida Semana Santa.

¡Les deseo a todos/as una productiva Cuaresma
 y una Alegre Primavera!


Maritza M. Mejia writes to inspire others to be their best selves.

Thank you for your support!🌷 #LuzDelMes 🌠


Maritza Martínez Mejía

Mother, Author, Educator, Translator and Publisher
Member: FWA, MCBD Board of AdvisorsANLMI
International Read to Me! Day Ambassador.
Received Crystal Apple Award, VCB Poetry Award, Latino Book Award, Verso Premio Dorado 

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