Tuesday, April 23, 2024

World Book Day - Dia mundial del libro

Abril 23 es una fecha simbólica para celebrar el  día del libro o día de los derechos de autor. 

ambién se celebra el día del idioma español La celebración del Día del Idioma, más que la realización de actividades, es un día para recordar el uso correcto del español. 

Apoya a un autor...
¡Gracias !

April 23 is a symbolic date to celebrate Book Day or Copyright Day

It was first celebrated on 23 April 1995 to promote reading, publishing and to celebrate the anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. 

It is also Spanish Language Day. 
The celebration of Language Day, more than the realization of activities, is a day to remember the correct use of Spanish. 
What can you do to celebrate this day?...

Thank you! 🌹

More poems: www.luzdelmes.com
Thank you for your support!🌷 #LuzDelMes 🌠

ACTIVIDADES GRATIS EN: www.luzdelmes.com

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Read your World Board of Trustees and Member: FWA, Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit: www.luzdelmes.com
Received Crystal Apple 2006, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, Premio Verso Dorado 2022       

Monday, April 22, 2024

Earth Day LuzDelMes Celebration!

According to history, the first "Earth Day" celebration worldwide was on April 22nd, 1970 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The purpose is to bring awareness to the population of the responsibility for each of us to share in the protection of the Earth and its resources. 

What can we do to protect our planet? Let's promote environmental picture books.

To participate on April 22nd Giveaway of these wonderful books, follow the AUTHOR'S PAGES.

VISIT On Facebook @Proyecto de Escritura LuzDelMes:

1. Like the comment ☑️

2. Follow the Author's Pages ☑️

3. Write which book you want to read☑️

The winner of the Earth's Day 🌐Giveaway is👉Carolyn Howard-Johnson 

Thank you for your support!

Según la historia, la primera celebración mundial del "Día de la Tierra" tuvo lugar el 22 de abril de 1970 para demostrar el apoyo a la protección del medio ambiente. El propósito es concienciar a la población de la responsabilidad que cada uno de nosotros tiene de participar en la protección de la Tierra y sus recursos. 
Cinquain para el Día de la Tierra 

🌷 Gracias #LuzDelMes 

ACTIVIDADES GRATIS EN: www.luzdelmes.com

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Read your World Board of Trustees and Member: FWA, Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit: www.luzdelmes.com
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, Premio Verso Dorado 2022 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Poem in Your Pocket Day - Dia del Poema en el Bolsillo

"Poem in Your Pocket Day," an official activity created by the American Academy of Poets for National Poetry Month.

Make April 18 a very special day for someone (and for you) by sharing a poem in the comments. It's a great way to connect, engage and inspire.

APRIL 18: "Poem in Your Pocket Day" *Select a poem,
*Carry it with you,
*Share it with other and
*Write it in this comment.
Thank you!

"Día del poema en el bolsillo", una actividad oficial creada por la Academia Americana de Poetas con motivo del Mes Nacional de la Poesía.
Haz que el 18 de abril sea un día muy especial para alguien (y para ti) compartiendo un poema en los comentarios. Es una forma estupenda de conectar, implicar e inspirar.
LuzDelMes Poetry ONLY 99 cents
Thank you for your support!🌷 Gracias #LuzDelMes 

ACTIVIDADES GRATIS EN: www.luzdelmes.com

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Read your World Board of Trustees and Member: FWA, Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit: www.luzdelmes.com
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, Premio Verso Dorado 2022 

Friday, April 5, 2024

April National Poetry Month

According to the Academy of American Poets, April National Poetry Month is one of the largest literary celebrations, with tens of millions of readers, students, K-12 teachers, librarians, booksellers, literary events curators, publishers, bloggers, and poets giving poetry an important place in our culture and our lives. 

For more details visit: 


Let's celebrate April Poetry Month with LuzDelMes Poems!
ONLY 99 cents
For more details 👉https://luzdelmes.blogspot.com/2024/04/april-national-poetry-month.html?m=1 #April 📖 #LuzDelMes

Poems, Thought and More 
Blog Tour
Book available:

Poems, Thoughts and More is a small beam of light gushing through dark clouds. 
~Jorge L. Mejía~

Poemas, Pensamientos y Algo más es un pequeño haz de luz fluyendo entre nubes oscuras. 
~Jorge L. Mejía~

Luz del Mes
Celebra el mes de la poesía con Poemas, reflexiones, rimas y cuentos bilingües por la paz de las naciones y conservación del planeta. Available: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1722232595
Según la Academia de Poetas Estadounidenses, abril es el mes nacional de la poesía y una de las celebraciones literarias más grandes, con decenas de millones de lectores, estudiantes, maestros de K-12, bibliotecarios, librerias, curadores de eventos literarios, editores, blogueros, y poetas dando un lugar importante a la poesía en nuestra cultura y nuestras vidas. Para obtener más detalles, visite: https://poets.org/national-poetry-month

Thank you for your support! 🌷 Gracias #LuzDelMes 🌠

ACTIVIDADES GRATIS EN: www.luzdelmes.com

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Read your World Board of Trustees and Member: FWA, Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit: www.luzdelmes.com
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, 
Premio Verso Dorado 2022 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Easter Season Celebrations ~ Celebraciones de Pascua


Easter Season

By Maritza Martinez Mejia

The cross

The empty tomb

Real symbols

What is this about?


A sacrifice

A miracle

A reminder…

All the immense love


A God

A Man

A Spirit

What a mystery!


In our church there is a tradition of blessing Easter baskets.  This has been shared by our Polish parishioners, it comes from the early medieval times called "Święconka."

The Baskets can contain a sampling of Easter foods to be blessed on Holy Saturday for gatherings on Easter Sunday. In some countries, the food in the Polish Easter Basket is similar to the Jewish Passover Menu, but you can add additional items to the basket such as a good Easter Book.

 SUNRISE MASS a meaningful experience at our church St Elizabeth Ann Seton in Florida. 

John 20: 1-18 He is Risen! 


Easter is not a day but a season of 50 days.   The octave (eight days) of high celebration beginning on Easter Sunday is followed by 42 more days of rejoicing concluding on Pentecost. 

Easter joy is one of the keys not only to our own happiness, but to the new evangelization.  I love the Easter greeting used in the Eastern Churches.

Let's celebrate the Resurrection!

“Christ is Risen.” … 

“He is Risen Indeed!”

Happy Easter!🌷

¡Felices Pascuas!

En nuestra iglesia existe una tradición de bendecir las canasta de Pascua.  Esta ha sido compartida por nuestros feligreses polacos, proviene del altomedieval llamada "Święconka". 

También celebramos la Pascua con la Misa del alba a las 6:00 am recordando el pasaje del evangelio Juan 20:1-18

Poemas y Reflexiones: www.luzdelmes.com

Thank you for your support!🌷 Gracias #LuzDelMes 🌠

ACTIVIDADES GRATIS EN: www.luzdelmes.com

Maritza MartineMejia

Mother, Theologian, Author, Educator and Translator

Member: Read your Wold Board of Trusteed, Read to Me, Day! Ambassador 
ANLMI & Gremio Poético Colombiano 

FREE Reading Activities visit: www.luzdelmes.com
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry 2015, Latino Book Awards 2016, Premio Verso Dorado 2022