Saturday, February 29, 2020

Maritza M Mejia at SLC Annual Book Fair

Award Winning Author Maritza M. Mejia at Paula A. Lewis Branch to celebrate Literacy at the 6th Annual Saint Lucie Book Fair  on February 29, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

                                          Presenting LuzDelMes Trilogy 2020 

Author Previous Participation
Presenting Memoir Hazel Eyes/ Ojos Avellana 2019 
2nd. Annual Book Fair 2016 
Morningside Library Branch

First Annual Treasure Coast Book Fair 2015
Morningside Library

Thank you 
St. Lucie County Libraries for welcoming us!
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards,

Friday, February 28, 2020

Conversatorio ANLMI-Costa del Tesoro-Rubén Dario

La Academia Norteamericana de Literatura Moderna Internacional ~Costa del Tesoro~ rinde homenaje a Rubén Darío con un conversatorio interactivo donde el público participará.

Lugar del Conversatorio
Poemas a compartir

Fotos Evento

Delegada ANLMI Costa del Tesoro exponiendo a Rubén Darío en Barnes & Nobles, 

Jensen Beach 2019
OBJETIVO: La Academia Norteamerícana de Literatura Moderna Internacional brinda una plataforma de cultura y conocimiento a los Poetas/Autores del mundo en una forma coordinada y estructurada. Entendemos que llevar la cultura a los pueblos, engrandecen los países. #ANLMI🗺️
¿Deseas ser parte?... Envíame un mensaje privado a:

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI Florida
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards, Author’s Talk

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wendsday - Miércoles de Ceniza

Ash Wednesday 
It is an old tradition from the eighth century in which the Catholics around the world receive blessed ashes made from the palms of last year’s Palm Sunday. The ashes represents: 

    1.    Our mortality
    2.    Call us to repentance
    3.    Beginning of Lent
    4.    Fast and abstain from meat 

"You are dust and to dust you shall return." ~Genesis 3.19~

Since Lent always starts on a Wednesday, the day before is always called Mardi Gras. It means "Fat Tuesday" because it is associated with great food and parties.
What is Lent? Lent is a season of the Christian Calendar for preparation to Easter.
When is Lent? It is the forty days before Easter. Lent excludes Sundays because every Sunday is like a little Easter. 
Mardi Gras is the day before Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday. 
How to celebrate lent? This year it's from February 26 (Ash Wednesday) to April 9(Easter), 2020. Join in a forty days of fasting, praying and Alms giving.

Perfect Readings for Lent 👉

Miércoles de ceniza

Miércoles de ceniza es una tradición desde el siglo VIII en que los católicos de todo el mundo reciben las cenizas benditas hechas de las palmas del domingo de Ramos del año pasado. Las cenizas representan:
1, Nuestra mortalidad
2. Llamado al arrepentimiento
3. Inicio de la Cuaresma
4. Tiempo de ayuno y abstinencia de carne.
"Polvo eres, y al polvo volverás" ~Genesis 3.19~
La Cuaresma: 
Son Cuarenta días antes de la Pascua. Es tiempo de preparación espiritual. 
Época de aumentar: La oración, La caridad, El ayuno. Inicia con el Miércoles de Ceniza, Febrero 26 y finaliza el 9 de Abril. 
¡Celebramos nuestra fe! 

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mardi Grass - Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras Traditions is about musical parades, food, floats and excitement. During the parades, people use purple, green and gold beads and colorful masquerades.

The term “Mardi Gras” (French word) means “Fat Tuesday”and refers to the Tuesday before Lent. It is called "Fat" or "Great" because it's associated with great food,  KING CAKE and parties. Lent  starts the day after Mardi Gras with Ash Wednesday 


A king cake is a type of cake associated with the Feast of Epiphany celebrated twelve days after Christmas or related with the pre-Lenten celebrations of Mardi Gras. 

Activities for Mardi Gras: 
1. Create a Masquerade with any recycle supplies you have at home. 
2. Make a King Cake.
3. Coloring page.  
4. Children Books for Lent👉

"Laissez les bons temps rouler" 
It means, Let the good times roll!
¿Qué es Mardi Gras?
El término "Mardi Gras" (palabra francesa) significa "Martes gordo" y se refiere al martes antes de Cuaresma. Se llama "Grasa" o "Gran" porque se asocia con la buena comida y festivales. Mardi Gras es una tradición similar a los Carnavales de Rio, Barranquilla, New Orleans y todos los países que celebran con desfiles de carrozas y bailes tradicionales antes del Miércoles de Ceniza cuando inicia la Cuaresma.  Usualmente se hace la Rosca de Reyes o de Mardi Gras/Carnival.

Actividades para niños: Hoja de colorear. 

Actividades de Cuaresma:
Recetas para la Cuaresma:

¡Mañana es Miércoles de Ceniza!

Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards

Friday, February 14, 2020

St. Valentin y más

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, with their special “valentine.” 
What is Valentine? It is a day to celebrate love and friendship.
Why is called Valentine? It comes from a Christian martyr from the 5th century and Roman Traditions.
Who is St. Valentine? The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine, all of whom were martyred.
About the Legend? Valentine was a Bishop in the third century in Rome. Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape from Roman prisons during Emperor Claudius. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today. Celebrate LOVE Month 💗

More details visit: 

Valentine’s Day Activities for kids
My favorite Valentine’s Activities my children made at Elementary School:

1. Coloring Page - download here:

2. Lovely book for Valentine's Day.

3.. Personalized Valentine’s Place-mat. 
💗 Trace hearts with color pencil on a heavy paper stock
💗 Color the inside with different color crayons.
💗 If possible, laminated the paper & Round corners for safety 
Lantern Love
To be loved
Yet better give
@Mejia ~Poems, Thoughts and More ~
San Valentin
Cada año el 14 de febrero, muchas personas intercambian tarjetas, con su especial "San Valentín", pero  ¿Qué es San Valentín? Es un día para celebrar amor y amistad.
La leyenda dice que San Valentín fue un obispo en el tercer siglo en Roma. San Valentín fue asesinado por intentar ayudar a los cristianos a huir de las prisiones durante el Tiempo Romano del emperador Claudius.
Antes de su muerte, se dice que escribió una carta firmada: "De tu Valentín,"
una expresión que hoy en día es muy usada en éste día. 
💗 Celebraremos el Mes del AMOR 💗
Poemas en mi BLOG:
Maritza Martínez Mejía
Mother, Author, Educator and Translator
Member: FWA, SFWA, SCBWI, Board of Advisors MCBD, Delegado ANLMI
FREE Reading Activities visit:
Received Crystal Apple, VCB Poetry, Latino Book Awards